Ucom Service Centers Will Be Temporarily Closed
Dear compatriots,
Yesterday we have announced that a set of Ucom service centers shall be operating in an emergency regime, yet today, taking into account the amount of citizens diagnosed with novel coronavirus, as well as valuing the health of our subscribers and employees, Ucom has made a decision to temporarily stop exploitation of all service centers.
The only exception shall be the flagship store located on Northern Avenue in Yerevan, which shall be operating on special conditions and working hours:
- Working hours: every day from 10:00 to17:00,
- The subscribers shall be allowed to enter the service center only in medical masks.
- The subscribers shall be checked for temperature level before entering the service center.
The acquisition of gadgets as well as subscription to the services shall be done online via https://shop.ucom.am/.
The payments can be made via uPay mobile application, as well as via other online platforms and payment terminals, such as iDram,TelCell, EasyPay, also via all bankomats connected to ArCa system and the mobile application of ArCa, via range of other banking applications and etc.
At the same time let us reassure that all technical assistance departments are monitoring the quality of services 24/7, for the subscribers to benefit from the flawless connection.
We’ll keep you updated when there’s any additional information.
Good health to everyone.